Keep Moving
This song I wrote in October of 2017, about six months after my accident. I was still going to Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital three times a week for multiple appointments. My Physical Therapist, Elizabeth Cornforth, is who inspired much of this song. I got the message early on from her that if I just, “Keep Moving” I will somehow come out the other side of this trauma. Some days I felt like I was just going through the motions and was not sure if I would ever find my way.
I struggled with the word “Astray” in the song for quite some time and still wonder to this day if I used it correctly. My singing teacher, Jack Byrne, says it works. I basically felt like I was often taking one step forward and two steps back. Somehow deep in my core I knew I had to keep moving, even if I did not always know where I was going, mentally, emotionally or spiritually, but I felt if I kept moving my body I would hopefully somehow find some peace. During those weeks I often felt like I was going Astray. The definition of Astray is, “Away from the correct path or direction.”
At that point I am not sure I knew exactly what was the, “correct path,” no one did. I was trying to make my way through. Having multiple injuries of such magnitude, especially my concussion, I was never exactly sure what was going to help me heal. It is often a varied combination of different techniques that helps someone make a full recovery. Unfortunately not everyone makes a full recovery. I was very, very lucky. I also worked very hard and did everything my Physical Therapist, Speech Pathologist and Occupational Therapist told me to do and then more.
During this time, walking was still a challenge, but my INTERNAL struggle was an ENORMOUS challenge. I was terrified I might not find a way to live more aligned with my inner core. My mind was eager to figure out what was next. I knew I wanted to change, change the way I saw the world, change the way I interacted in the world and change the way I felt in the world. I wanted to feel more grounded and I realize now that moving helps me stay grounded. That motivation has stuck with me. Remember to get up and move whenever you hear a song that sings to you.